Sunday, August 6, 2017

Political Song for Bernie Sanders to Sing

2nd rate Debussy piano on the public station at the
used bookstore, liberal declamation & outrage

this shit litters the clean streets of
high tax bracket enclaves like
biodegradable coffee cups from Starbucks-like
places that defiantly claim they are not Starbucks

& that liberal hippie on your timeline
sez that once an old black homeless man said to him
“you’re not white because of your opinions and politics”
well, except for that one called liberalism
which makes it possible to say nonsensical shit like this

I write this poem as if it matters,
because it does until it doesn’t.
What is over and done when the pen lifts?
Done is never a thing,
poems are never a thing.

I dare not say “they”
for it is the “we” in whose crimes
the “I” is implicated
with only make-believe distance as alibi;
Bernie Sanders tears off his shirt and screams
but it wasn’t me.

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