Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Shut Up!

Work going on. Sometimes though, it's best to just step back and listen. Lots of stuff in the drafts, but need to get some weight here before I go back to Star Trek lists and old records. In the meantime, here's this summer's reading list:

Paul de Man Allegories of Reading
Jean-Paul Sartre Saint Genet
Raymond Roussel Locus Solus
Michel Foucault Death and the Labyrinth
Joseph Conrad Under Western Eyes
Harry Cleaver Reading Capital Politically
Terry Eagleton Exiles and Emigres 
J. G. Ballard The Complete Short Stories of J G Ballard
Michel Foucault Madness and Civilization
Jack Spicer My Vocabulary Did This to Me
Cornelius Cardew Stockhausen Serves Imperialism
Monique Wittig One Is Not Born a Woman
Emma Goldman Anarchism and Other Essays

More soon, hopefully by the end of August.