Sunday, May 26, 2024

Contra Kenkō

Funeral Prayer:::

One who is truly wise

has no knowledge

or virtue

nor honor

nor fame

who will know of him

speak of him to others

this is not

because he hides his virtue

and pretends foolishness





such as

wise and foolish

gain and loss

I have been speaking of what it is to cling to one’s delusions

and seek after fame and fortune

All things of this phenomenal world

are mere illusion

they are worth

neither discussing

nor desiring

Contra Kenkō, if the world is illusion

then illusion it is

fix it

Galileo per Brecht

 God? Where is God?

Old cardinal: I am informed that Mr. Galilei

transfers man from the center of the universe

to somewhere on the outskirts

he is an enemy of mankind

and should be treated as such

1. He tried to sell himself to you, but you underbid

2. not only is man transferred –

3. the center will not hold