Saturday, December 4, 2021

Work In Progress: "Freeway of Stars"

 there is a freeway of stars

hidden just for us & whoever

we pack away in the back seat

but we miss the exit

like when maps tells us & we’re not ready

street signs obscured in the dark

street lights illuminate a question

and it’s not that we’re lost

it’s that we aren’t lost

we are where we are

escape is a dream

the map becomes the thing

we’ve lived, day after day

after fucking day

and the rainbow, and the stars

seems that they are not ours

and remain far, for us to see

but not to touch


there winds down between dark towers

twisting cobbles barely a footpath

into shadows, shadows

and out, through cluttered dimensions of nowhere

interstices and misaligned planes

rhizomatic networks snaking tendrils

through forgotten mouldering ruins

and emerge into splintered light

chaotic marketplace flowing

a flooded flotsam river

try to sink into shadows

you’ve been thrust there

your eyes half open

hands wrapping your head

but the river flows

through the choked streets

rushing flood crashing down into the valley

and you’re here with knives out

the sharp edge of idiot human chaos

Heraclitus’s river animated

a horror of bodies & avarice
